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Shun Dat

TEATICS Guava Leaf Tea 番石榴花蕾叶茶

TEATICS Guava Leaf Tea 番石榴花蕾叶茶

Regular price $16.90 SGD
Regular price Sale price $16.90 SGD
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TEATICS Guava Leaf Tea 番石榴花蕾叶茶

(Teh Daun Jambu Batu)

Product of Malaysia

Guava leaf tea has a refreshing taste and a fragrant fruity taste. It does not contain artificial colors and chemical additives.

Benefits of Guava leaf tea:

✅ Helps in digestion

✅ Lowers cholesterol levels

✅ Helps reduce sugar absorption (helps lower blood sugar)

✅ Helps in blood circulation

✅ Boost immunity

✅ Support general well-being


1. Place 1 teabag into a cup

2. Pour 300ml of hot water

3. Wait for 5 minutes

4. Ready to serve/drink

💯Natural.NO caffeine No additive

Tested by SIRIM & SGS

✅Heavy Metal-Free


Serving : 2g x 45 Teabags

Teatics 番石榴茶



✅ 具有降血糖作用,對糖尿病患者有獨特的攻效

✅ 含纖維高,能有效的排走積存在腸內多餘的 殘渣

✅ 降胆固醇,减重瘦身

✅ 有收斂止瀉,止血,止癢之效用,主治泄瀉,久痢,濕疹,創傷出血等症;

✅ 具有防老化及抗氧化功效,能美白肌膚,防止黑斑及雀斑形成,增加皮膚對紫外線的抵抗力,是女士們保持美白肌膚的最佳選擇。




包装形式: 45茶包 X 2克一盒

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