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Souper Tang Sesame Oil Ginger Wine & Herbs Chicken Mee Suah & Products

Souper Tang Sesame Oil Ginger Wine & Herbs Chicken Mee Suah & Products

Regular price $6.80 SGD
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Souper Tang Sesame Oil Ginger Wine & Herbs Chicken Mee Suah 汤师父 麻油鸡姜酒面线


麻油好处多 ,小小芝麻营养丰富



姜酒不只是在月子期间才可以食用哦! 姜酒,具有驱风发汗、温中散寒等作用,常用于治疗伤风感冒、恶心、呕吐和痛经等症。




1. 将面线加入滚水煮约2分钟,捞起备用

2. 把约300ml的水,加入鸡汤调料包和麻油调料包煮滚

3. 把煮好的面线倒回锅中,加入花雕酒即可盛入碗中享用

Net Weight : 200g (2 pcs)

Souper Tang Collagen Beauty Panax Ginseng Chicken Soup Ramen

Made of flour and wheat flour, the noodles is sun-dried for 60 days to preserve its chewy texture.

The soup base is cooked with whole Free-Range Chicken for more than 8 hours. The soup is very tasty and smell nice. The effect Collagen and Ginseng that fuse in the soup will make you more beauty and refreshing.

Ingredients: Ginseng Chicken Soup Seasoning Pack, Ramen

Efficacy: refreshing, nourishing yin and beauty

Flavour Available: Sesame Oil Ginger Wine & Herbs Chicken Mee Suah, Superior X.O Sauce Mee Suah with Dried Scallop, Mountain Pepper Pork Tripe Soup Ramen, Collagen Beauty Panax Ginseng Chicken Soup Ramen (can mix ❗)

Cooking method:

1. Put the ramen noodles in boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes, remove and drain, and put them in a bowl.

2. Then add about 300ml of water into the pot, then add the ginseng chicken soup seasoning packet, wait for the water to boil

3. Finally, pour the ramen back into the pot for about 1-2 minutes, then put it into a bowl and enjoy

1 box 2 individual pack; 2 packs of ramen and 2 packs of seasoning

胶原蛋白美颜人参鸡汤拉面 (1盒里面有2片装;2包拉面和2包调味料)











Serving : 200g (2 pcs)

Souper Tang Superior X.O Sauce Mee Suah with Dried Scallop

The name of XO sauce comes from fine XO (extra old) cognac which is popular Western liquor in Hong Kong. Indeed, XO sauce is marketed in the same manner as French liquor that denote premium quality and luxury. It is made of premium scallop from Japan, dried shrimp, Jin Hua ham and some spice.

Full of flavor, mainly due to the concentrated taste of the dried seafood. It offers some spice along with the rich taste of umami and is an amalgamation of flavors, including sweet, smoky, and salty. This is a condiment that will dominate a dish with its intense taste.

Ingredients: Special Sause, Scallop Sause, Onion Oil, XO Scallop Sauce, Handmade Mee Suah

N0et weight - 170g (2 pcs)

汤师傅 XO酱干贝溜面线


字母 “XO” 用于美酒名字前, 代表顶级的意思。 同理,XO酱也是料理中的顶级酱料, 这不仅是因为XO酱料加入了日本原粒干贝,香港金华火腿,虾等高级食材,还因为是精心熬制后,把食材原本的味道给带了出来。使每一勺XO酱都是那么浓郁鲜香,香醇可口。加入了XO酱的料理,味道也是极品中的极品。

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