Penang Char Koay Teow Soy Sauce (Apple Brand)
Penang Char Koay Teow Soy Sauce (Apple Brand)
Penang Char Koay Teow Soy Sauce (Apple Brand)
With present of Apple Brand Penang Char Koay Teow sauce, now easily for preparing a plate of delicious Char Koay Teow as delicious as Penang Lorong Selamat Char Koay Teow.
Must try !
Halal Certified
Net Weight : 700g
Apple Brand Golden Light Soya Sauce
Product of Malaysia
Apple Brand Over 50 years of manufacturing of the finest soya sauce. Working with time-tested recipes formulated by their past generations, the 🍎 brand of sauces has delighted consumers with it's authentic taste and aroma. Every drop of Apple's sauces that you add in a dish is produced with ingredients of highest quality They also insist on using the age-old natural fermentation method, believing that time and practice will yield better results.
Net Weight : 700gm
Apple Brand在這五十年以來專注於製造上等生抽。 所使用的家傳秘方來製造生抽。 生抽之味道不但香醇且香氣撲鼻,顧客大為滿意。 每一滴頭抽都是以最頂級的食材及傳統的天然發酵方法製成。 只因最好的頭抽是需要時間和耐心釀製的。