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Shun Dat

Golden Swallow Ear (Collagen)

Golden Swallow Ear (Collagen)

Regular price $58.00 SGD
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金燕耳的本草银耳是一种用13种药食同源的中草药作为培养基培植而成的本草银耳,*胶质是燕窝的三倍,营养价值堪比燕窝,* 价格却只有燕窝的三分之一不到。












The collagen of the eye is located in the cornea. The loss of collagen can cause dryness and fatigue in the eyes. In addition, the cornea is not very transparent, causing blurred vision, cataracts and other eye diseases.


Teeth contains calcium, and collagen, collagen binds calcium to bone cells to keep our teeth healthy. With increasing age, the collagen in our teeth gradually decrease, resulting in the loss of calcium, thus causing loose teeth, weak biting force, sensitive to pain , tooth decay, etc.


The outermost layer of hair is the cuticle, the middle layer consists of collagen. in the absence of collagen, one can suffer from dry hair, hair loss, baldness, split ends and gray hair.

头发中的最外层是毛鳞片,中间位置是胶原蛋白。缺乏胶原蛋白,头发会变得干枯,容易 断发、脱发、秃顶、分叉、白头发。

80% of the bones consist of collagen. With the loss of collagen, the density of the bones will also decrease, resulting in a great increase in the loss of calcium. causing symptoms such as knee pain, numbness of legs, osteoporosis, muscle atrophy , and brittle bones. usually prominent among the elderly


The dermis of the skin consists of 75% of collagen. Lack of collagen will result in the skin appearing loose, causing wrinkles, forming of a double chin, accumulation of fat under the ears, dry skin and oily enlarged pores.

皮肤真皮层中75%是胶原蛋白。缺少胶原蛋白,皮肤会出现松弛,产生各种大大小小的细纹、干纹等皱纹,形成双下巴和耳下堆积赘肉。皮肤也会变得 干燥,毛孔变得粗大,出油。

Without collagen, the secretion of melanin is exuberant, and a large amount of melanin will be deposited on the surface of the skin, forming pigmentation spots.


Collagen can make the breasts fuller. Insufficiency of collagen will make the breasts saggy and shriveled and the breasts will gradually shrink. The loss of collagen can also cause the buttocks to become loose.


The loss of collagen can reduce muscle mass and increase fat, resulting in poor muscle contraction and loss of vitality. In addition, it will also make the cervical vertebrae muscles hard, resulting in spondylosis, causing problems such as insufficient blood supply to the brain.


The main component of blood vessels consists of collagen. The insufficiency of collagen will lead to the deterioration of the elastici


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