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Concentrated Lo Han Kuo and Products (Siraitia grosvenorii) 浓缩罗汉果

Concentrated Lo Han Kuo and Products (Siraitia grosvenorii) 浓缩罗汉果

Regular price $6.90 SGD
Regular price Sale price $6.90 SGD
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Concentrated Products

1.Concentrated Lo Han Kuo (Siraitia grosvenorii, ) 浓缩罗汉果 (1kg/500g)

2. Golden Lime (480g)

3. Calamansi (480g)

4. Honey Lemon (500g)

5. Plum Lime (500g)

Relief internal body heat, cooling exspecially during hot wheather

消暑, 润肺养颜

No artificial sugar & colouring.



Hong Fook Honey Lime Juice 鸿福蜜糖花粉蜂糖金桔 500g

It is a Vitamin C hygienic, original natural drinks mechanically prepared by traditional methods. Quenches thirst, promote appetite, alleviates indigestion and reduces constipation.

✅ No preservative

✅ No artificial coloring

✅ Suitable to serve cold

✅ Sweet and sour taste

✅ Distinct Lime flavor

Ingredients: Lime, honey, rock sugar and salt

✅ 含有丰富维他命C, 能生津解渴下气消炎

✅ 餐后饮用,帮助消化,消除便秘

✅ 传统配方提炼,纯正天然,清洁机械制造

✅ 解暑消渴一级棒,味道酸酸甜甜,真的很好喝。

✅ 加冰或当冷饮真的很爽

✅ 不含防腐剂及色素



Plum Lime 酸梅金桔

Product of Malaysia

Plum Lime is a natural and concentrated drink traditionally prepared in a hygienic method, using calamansi lime

(rich in vitamin C)


👍🏻 Relieve sore throat.

👍🏻 Improve digestion and eliminate constipation.

👍🏻 Super refreshing and healthy thirst quenches

👍🏻 No preservative

👍🏻 It is best to drink as cold drink. Super thirsty killer

✅ Ingredients: Calamansi lime, plum, honey, rock sugar, cane sugar & salt









Lao Huang Ju Brand 佬黄桔

1. Calamansi Juice 桔子水

2. Golden Lime Juice 陈年金桔

They use the freshest and natural organically grown oranges for cooking. You can taste the refreshing and sweetness of fresh oranges in every sip, which is perfect for drinking in hot weather.


1. Rich in Vitamin C, help to improve immunity system

2. Help to relieve constipation

3. Relieving thirst and discomfort caused by hot weather


1. 的维生素C,可以帮助提高免疫力

2. 帮助缓解便秘

3. 生津止渴,舒缓天气热带来的口渴与不适 -

Pure handmade


No coloring


✅Recommended Mixing Ratio (Shake evenly before mixing)

✅1 part concentrated pulp : 7 parts water

✅ Drink with ice taste better

Net Weight : 480g


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